Part of a good food experience is just that…the experience. A tasty dish and delicious drink go a long way, of course, but what keeps customers coming back for more are the memories you help them create. Dessert is all about closing off a good meal or a fun event with something sweet. Cupcakes, pie, candy, the list goes on. Ice cream, in particular, is still one of the most sought after choices for its myriad of flavors and fluffy texture. Is your store one of the coveted establishments that can create a fun experience as well as a strong product? It’s time to put it to the test.
Have A Bunch Of Classic And Unusual Flavors
Ice cream comes in more flavors than you can shake a colored spoon at. According to a survey provided by the International Ice Cream Association, vanilla is still the most popular choice for ice cream lovers. Don’t let it be said that more unusual flavors don’t hit people’s sweet spot, however! Pistachio is perhaps the most beloved of the ‘strange’ choices, though you can go the extra mile and shake it up with lime, blueberry and even pumpkin.
Let Customers Try Something New
Speaking of different flavors…how do you know what your customers will like? It’s best to let them decide. One of the most enjoyable aspects of visiting an ice cream shop are the colored spoons that allow visitors to try different flavors to their heart’s content. According to the NPD Group, over 40% of Americans will indulge in ice cream during any given two-week period. There are an additional 2,500 frozen yogurt stores strewn across the country, as well, meaning you’ll want to think of all the interesting things you can offer with colored spoons to keep people coming back.
Come Up With Seasonal Delights Or New Events
The average American adult will eat ice cream 30 times per year. There are other ways you can get people to visit during that time! Seasonal mixtures can get people into the holiday mood and even encourage them to bring over friends to join in on the fun. The autumn season practically begs for unique pumpkin, caramel and butter cream choices, while winter can create mixtures of chocolate and mint just in time for Christmas. Local events can also collaborate with your shop to create day or week specific creations. The sky’s the limit!
Use All Sorts Of Dessert Supplies
What do disposable ice cream cups, colored spoons and custom cups all have in common? They should all be in your shop no matter what. No one customer wants the exact same thing when they walk through your front doors, so having ice cream cups with lids and a bevy of dessert supplies will make sure you can accommodate everybody. Gelato supplies can be geared more toward the smooth consistency of the classic Italian treat, elegant while retaining the characteristic whimsy ice cream shops are known for.
Craft Not Just A Great Dish, But A Great Experience
The warm and fuzzy memories you give customers will last longer than any ice cream dish. Families and couples visit your store rather than a grocery outlet because they want to have a good time — a solid mixture of ice cream knowledge and smart supplies will go a long way in helping them enjoy their stay. Colored spoons add to the decor and let customers try out new flavors, where ice cream containers and custom cups combine to make each visit highly individualistic. Ice cream didn’t become both the proverbial and literal cream of the crop by being boring.
Why shouldn’t every visit be a party? Go the extra mile and make every treat a real treat.