There have been many things said about raw organic honey and where to buy it, but you might be wanting to go one step further. You might be interested in the entire process of how honey is made and harvested. If that is something you are interested in doing, then you just might want to become a beekeeper.
Since 2006, the price of honey has almost doubled. There is a great need for honey and beekeepers are an integral part of how the honey is brought to the many tables in our country. In America, we consume almost a pound and a half of honey per person per year. That’s a lot of sweetness.
If you are considering getting into beekeeping, even if it is just about providing honey to you and your family and friends, there are three things you should know in order to get started and be successful.
1.) Take a course.
This is perhaps the best way to get started. Starting at the very beginning with a course on beekeeping from a local college or university will give you the full overview of what you will need, how you should begin, and where to get the supplies you need in order to do things right. Raising bees is not the easiest of tasks and to go into the venture without a solid knowledge of the subject will only make you frustrated and apt to give up. Spend the couple hundred dollars or whatever the cost is for the course and gain the knowledge of someone else’s experience.
2.) Purchase a starter kit and then get some bees.
Once you have learned what it takes to get started, it is then time to head out and purchase what you will need to start. A basic beekeeping kit should outfit your setup with what you will need in order to start your hive. In addition to the equipment for the bees, you, yourself, will also need beekeeping tools, beekeeping gloves, and a beekeeping hat. There is no getting to the raw organic honey if you don’t protect yourself first
3.) Place your hive where there are nearby flowers.
This is a rather general point to make, but it is an important one. The kinds of flowers your bees pollinate will affect the flavor of your raw organic honey. Your hive’s body should be deep with frames in it, which the bees will fill with honey comb.
One bee will produce about a twelfth of an ounce of honey in its entire lifetime. This means you will need a number of good bees and a setup that will enable them to produce as much as possible. If you only want a small setup for yourself and your family, begin small. The more experienced you become, the better everything will go. You will love all of your home-grown raw organic honey. Beekeeping is a wonderful endeavor!