Cooking is my favorite thing to do. I always enjoyed cooking, but I did not learn to love it until I after I saw some free cooking videos online. In these free cooking videos recipes I had never dreamed up were introduced, one after another. I began to experiment in the kitchen and I then began to get really good at cooking. All thanks to that first free cooking video.
Since I got so much out of the first free cooking videos I watched, I decided I was going to pay it forward and I created my own free online cooking videos. It was easy and fun. I just popped open a bottle of wine, set up a video recorder, tied my apron tight and had a cooking party in my kitchen. I think I found my calling.
Free cooking videos are available to anyone with a computer, an internet connection, and the desire to watch one. They are available for literally everything you can think of. Your first free cooking video could be about the basics of the kitchen. Then your next free cooking video could be about hosting a dinner party or how to make the perfect salad.
Another idea, if you have a garden or just an abundance of a certain ingredient, you can seek out a cooking video about different ways to cook and utilize that one ingredient. One summer my garden produced an absolutely insane number of tomatoes. There was no way I could eat that many fresh tomatoes before they went bad. So I watched a free cooking video about ideas for cooking with tomatoes. I had a great time with it. I made homemade salsa, I made tomato paste and tomato sauce, pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce, tomato soup, and sun dried tomatoes. I watched another free cooking video about the canning process. Then I canned all my tomato products and ate my organic, homemade creations off the shelf all year!