When you have your employees take food and hygiene courses in order to obtain their food safety certification, one of the things they will learn about is that microwaving food does not actually terminate the existence of any bacteria that has landed or grown on the food. Sadly, the absence of food protection certificates and the knowledge that comes with it is part of the reason why foodborne illnesses wind up costing consumers nearly seven billion dollars. In fact, it is estimated that seventy six cases of foodborne illness spring up every single year in the United States and one of the only ways to keep such issues at bay is through providing proper food protection courses to everyone who works in your establishment until they receive their food protection certificates.
In order to make things easier on your employees, one thing that you can do is offer them the chance to get their food protection certificates or food handlers permit online. If you have computers in your establishment, they will be able to learn about handling food from the convenience of the job site and not have to do it when they are not on company time. Of course, if the courses are online, employees can review them whenever they want which makes the idea a very versatile one. You will find that by providing so many great options for employees, they will become experts at handling food in no time. By doing so, your establishment will be safer and more productive.